Sunday, August 3, 2014

Vanilla Ice Cream

This is a recipe for home made Ice cream which tastes very good.


  1. Full Cream Milk  1 litre.
  2. Sugar   1/2 Cup
  3. Cashew nuts  100 gms.
  4. Custard Powder  Vanilla flavour 1 to 2  T spoons.
  5. Vanilla Essence   few drops.
Boil the Milk.    Keep aside little milk to cool  for dissolving the custard powder.  Let the Milk boil for some more time in Sim flame .(less heat.)
Soak the Cashew nuts for one hour and grind it to a smooth   paste with little cold milk. 
When the milk is boiling  add the cashew paste and stir well.  Keep stirring and add the sugar.  Keep stirring.
Add cold milk to the custard powder and make it into a watery paste and add it to the boiling mixture.  Keep stirring.  This is the thickening agent and the whole thing will become little thick. Add the vanilla essence and stir well.  switch off the stove.

 When this mixture cools,  pour it into a flat vessel (preferably an aluminium vessel as it cools faster)  and keep it in the freezer.  (you can  just line the vessel outside  with salt as it will be easier to remove from the freezer).
After 5 to 6 hours take out the vessel.  The mixture inside would be hard.  Take out with a hard sharp  spoon bit by bit and put it in a mixer and beat  it.  It will be tough to do it as it will be very hard and the mixture very cool.  do little by little not damaging your mixer.  (Indian made mixers are sturdy and I have never damaged my mixer while doing this.)
Once the whole thing becomes smooth paste put it back in the vessel and keep it again in the Freezer.
Repeat the process of beating the hard mixture once more after few hours.
After two/three hours in  the , freezer,  Ice cream is ready to serve and this will be a smooth sweet    Ice cream.

You can do different flavours of ice cream like strawberry, using strawberry flavour and little  red edible  colour added to it.  You can make into a two or three fold colour ice cream by pouring one above the other in the last stage .

For Variation, in Mango season,   Mango ice cream can be prepared.  Method is same.  Ripe mangoes can be cut and beaten in mixer to a smooth paste and added when the milk is boiling , after adding the cashews and before adding the sugar.  In this case the quantity of sugar can be reduced little bit as the sweetness of mangoes will be there in the ice cream. Beating from the freezer is same as for the  Vanilla ice cream.